What you resist persists – how to utilize this law

What did Carl Gustav Jung mean by saying that if you resist something in life, you bring more of it into your life?

He meant that the things we fight against tend to persist and become more powerful. If we resist something, it becomes a part of our lives in a much bigger way than if we had just accepted it.

All concentration focuses on the thing you do not want – this is counterproductive.

This is an important truth to remember, especially when it comes to our own thoughts and emotions.

We often try to resist our own thoughts and feelings, believing that we should be different from we are. But by resisting them, we only make them stronger.

Resistance is usually born out of fear. We’re afraid that if we let go of our resistance, we’ll be vulnerable or exposed. But this isn’t true. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is actually a sign of strength. It means that we’re brave enough to show our true selves to the world.

Why works attention like a magnet?

We all have heard this saying at some point in our lives, but what does it actually mean?

When it comes to our thoughts, if we focus on something, it gets bigger.

If we focus on the opposite of what we want, that also gets bigger.

On the other hand, if we let go of our resistance and simply give attention to what we DO want, it gets bigger.

This is because energy flows where focus / attention goes.

One of the easiest ways to see this in action is with our emotions.

When we feel an emotion, such as fear or anger, if we resist it or try to push it away, it only gets bigger.

However, if we simply allow ourselves to feel the emotion and give it our attention, it will eventually dissipate.

The same is true with our thoughts. The more we focus on them, the bigger they get. However, if we let go of our resistance and give attention to what we want, those thoughts get bigger as well. This is because thoughts are energy and, like emotions, they will dissipate if we give them our attention.

So how can we use this information to create the life we want?

The key is to focus on what we DO want, not on what we don’t want.

This may seem difficult at first, especially if we have been focusing on the opposite for a long time.

With practice, it becomes easier and easier.

The more we focus on the wanted things in our lives, the more those things will grow.

The more we focus on what we don’t want, the more those things will grow. It is up to us which direction we want to go.

The choice is ours.

So, how does attention act like a magnet?

Well, when we focus our attention on something, it gets bigger.

This is a normal brain function.

How can we use this information to create the life we want?

The key is to focus on what we DO want, not on what we don’t want.

Why it isn’t a good idea trying to wipe out anxiety from your life

It’s important to realize that anxiety is a natural and normal phenomena.

We all experience it from time to time, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

In fact, anxiety can be helpful in certain situations, such as when we need to focus on a task or when we’re trying to avoid danger.

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